We have just finished one of our busiest and best quarters to date at CMM. This year looks to be one of our most effective years yet. Here are some of the updates and highlights:
March Conference …. We had 500+ pastors and leaders that attended the March conference. During this time we introduced Evangelist John Magungi as the new regional director for CMM. We decided to experiment on Wednesday night of the conference with doing Facebook Live for the worship service. We had 989 views!
Sea Container ….. For the past several years we have sent a 20ft. sea container to Kenya but this time we had so many resources it took a 40 ft. We unloade d thousands of books, sound equipment, computers, clothes, soccer balls, tools, guitars and many, many more resources and blessings for pastors.
Dormitory Construction …. the ground floor has been poured, the columns for the first floor are up and a 900 square foot “basement” has been completed and already contains our reference library.
AND… Its not too late to help take our Matching Funds challenge over the top. We are just $3,800 short! – Donate now to make it happen!
Bible College ….. We o fficially introduced and starting receiving applications for the Bible College opening this September. After our first presentation we have already received approximately 50 applications with the fees submitted as well. Over 200 pastors took applications with them as well and we are just now getting the details out to the pastors. Just this week an organization that helps sponsor pastors in Kenya invited our team to come and share with them about the college as they are looking at sponsoring 40 pastors to attend!
College Libraries …. Organized all the books that we have been setting aside for our reference library for the college as well as a library that the books can be checked out. Are you ready for this??? We now have over 5,000 books on shelves in our reference library and over 10,000 on shelves in the resource library ….over 16,000 books to start!!
Coming Soon…..
National Leadership Summit …. CMM will be hosting a 1 day National Leadership Summit on June 22 in downtown Nairobi. We will gather several thousand leaders from around East Africa for a day of intercessory prayer, unity and teaching to prepare the pastors for the upcoming Presidential Election in August.
MB Garage Sale …. For those in the DFW area, Mission Barnabas will be having a large “g arage sale” May 5-6. We have many new clothes and items that have been donated that is difficult to take to Kenya. We need to clear out these items and this will help us raise funds for the coming months. If you would like to contribute something toward this, please contact us.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, support and for sharing this vision with us. May the Lord continue to overwhelm you with His blessings and love and may the next quarter be your best of 2017!
Ronnie and Debbie
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