We just finished a 5 day marriage conference with approximately 140 couples, our largest by far. What a week. We witnessed so many marriages touched, changed, saved, healed and renewed. Thanks to the team from Living Word Church, Houma, La., Gary and Diane Staats, Barnabas and Grace Achoki, the CMM staff and each of you, the conference was a great success. We saw couples laugh, cry, shout, pray for one another, embrace, praise and worship and totally be renewed by the love of God and love for one another. The couples were also blessed by an eye clinic and a medical clinic, books and loads of gifts.
We ended the last night with a banquet. We turned our freshly painted and made over dining hall into an enchanted and romantic dining experience. After the couples had spent 4 days in the intense teaching, workshops and having a marriage makeover, they could now celebrate with each other in a wonderful evening of food, music, gifts and fellowship. We just watched as we saw all of our labor during the week turn to smiles, kisses, dancing, laughter and a commitment to have a better marriage as they renewed their vows.
One older pastor told me that we were touching millions as all of these pastors and couples would be taking this to people all over East Africa and many would be taught and helped from them taking what they had learned. We are tired but still basking in the afterglow of such a powerful move of the Holy Spirit to help so many couples. They wanted us to go for another week.
We personally want to thank everyone that helped support the pastors and the couples to be able to attend the marriage conference. This conference is our most challenging financially due to a smaller number yet we have most of our regular conference costs. Without your extra help we would not have been able to help many to attend. After registration income and then all the expenses we were about $5,000.00 short and that was the amount almost to the penny that you gave toward this. We finished even…PTL!! We were once again amazed at how God met the need one more time. Asante Sana!!
If you would like to read a couple of outstanding testimonies just scroll on down at the end. It is so hard to choose which ones to use as so many were so powerful. One day in heaven, if not before, you will get to meet some excited couples that because of your making it possible for them to attend this meeting their marriage was healed their family saved.
On the horizon….
Debbie and I will be home next month and look forward to seeing many of you. May the Lord continue to enlarge the borders of your tents.
~Ronnie and Debbie
Marriage Conference Testimonies
“I lack words to express my gratitude for this marriage conference. It has been for me the best journey yet for my marriage. I admit that life has had a way of beating against us and the dents in turn caused the loss of many essentials in our marriage. I feel like our marriage has been birthed again. I leave this place more in love with my husband than I have EVER been. The teachings have been life changing. A lot of release and restoration has evidently taken place in my life as a wife and in my marriage. I thought a lot, I shed tears, I laughed, I prayed…and all that was part of this amazing spark that has been lit. I will never forget the men and women of God that have impacted my life so greatly. God bless CMM and Living Word Church. I will hold dearly the experience I have had and will never forget even for a moment this landmark in my marriage. This is a life changing experience and I give all the glory to God. If for nobody else, THIS WAS FOR ME. God bless you so much.”
~Laura Ochieng
“Am grateful!! Am so blessed!! Each speaker blessed me!! I came with so much burdens and weights but everything has been lifted up!! I feel better, think better about my marriage and am going to put in practice what I have learned. Am so, so, so, so, so, so Happy!! God bless all those great ministers of God!! I love you all!!!!!!”
“ Before I came in this conference, my marriage life was almost falling apart. I thank the Lord God who had strongly impressed a hatred for divorce in my heart. But even then, I was with thoughts of separating with my wife. However, glory be to the Lord God who through this CMM, MY LIFE HAS BEEN GREATLY REVIVED/RESTORD. I felt like most teachings rotated around husbands but I believes that was for the restoration of my life in the marriage! I feel all teachings landed in my life on a fertile soil. Lord God bless CMM, Amen.”
~Simon Kadhume
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