I trust each of you are healthy, safe and blessed. With all that is going on in the world and in the US, challenges are present everywhere and in almost everything. Everyone has been readjusting, making changes and adapting to the new “normal” for this season. We also know that life must go on and we keep our eyes on the bigger picture: God is in control; God’s got this; the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof and greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!
With all that is going on globally at the moment, I want to bring everyone up to date with the ministry in Kenya and Mission Barnabas’s response and activities during this season.
Forever Grateful
Many times, over the past 3-4 months our staff has given thanks and recognized what a timely and powerful blessing that CMM was paid when we were. Right after we received payment the pandemic hit, and Kenya went into lockdown/curfews and the courts were closed. If we had not been paid, then the postponement of payment until the courts reopened would have been a crisis for CMM that could have permanently changed our status. But thanks be to God!!!!
In the Meantime
After settling all current bills and expenses owed by CMM and money in the bank, taking the next step was now possible. However, with businesses closed, lockdown implemented and no going in or out of Nairobi city limits, everything was halted. Churches were not able to meet and still cannot meet. Doing regional meetings were and still are not possible. Even if we could find a way to fly to Kenya, we would have to go into 14 days of quarantine. However, we have discovered ways to adapt to these new challenges and in some ways reshape the vision for this season and maybe longer.
WhatsApp and Zoom
We already have a WhatsApp group for the CMM coordinators but decided to branch out and work on connecting them by Zoom. This is challenging for many of them and many had never done this. The cost for airtime, though small, would be challenging as well. After experimenting with how to make it work with a smaller group, we then went to work on bringing over 60 pastors together for Zoom meetings. After working through a few glitches, we had success. We have had 2 Zoom meetings, 1 ½ hours each and the pastors are ecstatic and so encouraged with this. These are pastors from all over Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Once they got connected and saw our team and the other pastors, it was like a revival meeting. We have made these meetings a regular event each month and we speak into the current events, share an exhortation with them, hear from their areas, pray together, etc. This has been quite groundbreaking for the pastors and they can’t wait for the next meeting.
Developing a CMLTI app
We are in the process of developing a CMM app for the pastors. This will be a state-of-the-art app for providing all kinds of helpful, up to date information as well as ways to stay connected. All of the digital CMM library and study tools will be readily available. We are hoping to launch it by summer’s end.
Online teaching
We are setting up a “studio” and adding equipment to produce good quality video and live streaming to do ongoing teaching for the pastors. These teachings will be done by several of our team in Kenya as well as me and guest teachers from the U.S. who will teach, preach and minister on a set day and time to be accessed by the pastors. If a pastor is not able to join by live stream the teaching will be available to download.
What’s an iPod?
Over the next year we will be collecting and purchasing iPods so that we can download messages and teachings on it for the pastors. It will hold hours of teachings and once they have listened to them all, they come by the CMM offices to have it reloaded. This will meet the need of those that are challenged with online/internet (costs, speed, etc.) and they will not need to use data to be able to receive help.
Finding the right property in the right location
Before Debbie and I left Kenya and after looking at many, many possible properties for the new CMM, we had narrowed our search down to 4 properties. Since there is now limited movement and access to business, we have decided to start the offer process on these 4 believing God to help us with His choice for us. As usual it mainly comes down to price and location. Over the next 2 weeks we should know the status and possibility of each of these. Please add this to your prayer list.
This and that
Once again, know how much we appreciate each of you and your heart for Africa! Stay safe, Covid free!
Ronnie and Debbie
The post What a WILD Ride! appeared first on Mission Barnabas.