While we have been away…….
For the past 6-7 weeks I have been living in the chairs of 3 different dentists. As we return to Kenya I am still in healing mode but ready to get back to Kenya.
What has been such a blessing to us is all that has happened during our absence the past 2 months. Our staff (CMM) has worked alongside Good Works Now/Nations Training Institute, Crossing Boundaries and Dee Levens Ministries to help bless hundreds of pastors with great Bible teaching in 4 different regional meetings (Dee Levens had 476 pastors in one regional), help facilitate a graduation for Nations Bible Institute, and help build a greenhouse and plant vegetables in one village. In conjunction with Crossing Boundaries and Good Works Now, villagers who had to walk several miles for water in a drought stricken area now have a water well in their town as well as a solar operated generator and holding tank for the water.
While all this has been going on we have also been completing some projects at CMM that we will show in the next update.
June 22-26….Next Monday we are expecting 500+ pastors for our next leadership conference. Since the container did not make it for the March conference, the excitement that the books have now arrived is at a high level. Mark and Sandy Jobe, Steve and Marci Fish, Travis Matheny, Emerson Rickstrew and others will be joining us for another great conference. Please add this to your prayer list this week.
July 8-9….A couple of weeks after the conference we will be holding a regional meeting in Kampala, Uganda where they are expecting a huge number of pastors.
July 20-24…We will be hosting one of our favorite conferences, the Marriage Conference. We are expecting our largest number of couples and the anticipation for this conference is sky high.
August 10-14….Two weeks after the Marriage Conference is the youth conference, Count Me In. This one is not for the faint of heart and if you are over 40 you better be ready to have a work out.
During the first part of July, Ben Moore and his brother Terry will be spending 2 weeks giving CMM a paint and repair makeover. We have 200 gallons of paint on hand that is ready.
Once again, when you are praying for Mission Barnabas and CMM would you ask God for His blessings and favor on all these upcoming meetings. So many lives are about to be changed.
We can only do what we do because of you doing what you do. God bless you for your faithfulness!
Ronnie and Debbie Matheny
The post June Update appeared first on Mission Barnabas.