Greetings to all of the Mission Barnabas/CMM friends and supporters. You are all aware of the intensity and challenges ongoing with CMM receiving its due compensation for our property. We continue to see victories and God continues to provide for us in the waiting. It is like riding a roller coaster, but our peace comes from keeping the vision before us as well as such encouragement and support from you. I want to summarize the state of things for us and CMM.
The battle rages but we will not waver….
We have not wavered from what we truly believe will be a victorious outcome for the ministry in Africa. We will not be denied! Several truths and blessings from God have time and time again renewed our faith and confirmed our direction. Here are several that has kept us strong:
God ‘s got this! We believe God started this journey. We did not choose to move ourselves. We did not choose this battle, but God shall fight for us. We did not put our property up for sale and had no intentions of moving. We believe that God started this and He will finish it.
The Vision has not changed. CMM is not buildings and land but it is the vision and mission to help touch the leaders of the church. It is “touching the leaders so they can change the church and touching the church so it can change the nation”! We have built an incredible network of leaders and connections with thousands upon thousands of pastors throughout East Africa. They consider CMM to be their Bible school, their training center, their place for encouragement, a place to connect with other leaders and look to the CMM leaders as ‘fathers’ for them and their ministry. This has continued and will not be stopped regardless of when our funds are released.
Miracles for Provisions! Many times in this journey we have arrived at a place where there were no resources to continue and needed a miracle. EVERY time, I mean every time, God has provided just in time what we needed for salaries, expenses, lawyer’s fees, moving expenses, etc. God has sustained us with miracles that we will share more details to you at the banquet.
Resources Multiplying. Our space at the warehouse for storing resources for Kenya is beginning to fill up. We already have enough to fill a container. We have received over 100 desktop computers with monitors, 40+ laptops, thousands of used books and Bibles already boxed up and ready to go (thanks Carroll and Myrna Springer), plus a recent donation of over 6,000 study books and booklets – ALL BRAND NEW! God is sending supplies for the Bible College. Why would God send us these resources if there were to be no college?
Official help. We were told when we were first cornered by the crooks wanting $1.4M of our award, that it would be hard for us to fight against them because we did not “know” anybody. Who did we know in Kenya that was high or powerful enough to go up against a powerful machine as the crooks had in place? However, since that time, God has brought to our aid several powerful people to stand and work with us. At the banquet I will be able to tell you more about this, but we stand in amazement of those “on our side” now! Of course, we all “know” Someone that is Higher than anyone else!
The Victory will be worth the wait and struggle. We believe our day of victory is very soon. We may have our compensation this month. However, if not, it will come and when it does, we will activate all our plans for building, growth, summits, regionals and preparing to open the Bible College in 2020. We are ready to redeem the year the cankerworm has eaten and to witness CMM double its ministry. More at the banquet.
Ministry Continues….
For the month of July our staff rested but now we are ‘back in business’.
We have planned a regional meeting in Nairobi for Sept. 16. Pastor Chola, John Magangi and I will be speaking. I will be speaking by video stream from Texas. I can’t wait.
We are now set up in temporary offices in Nairobi and our staff is organizing all our resources since the move. We will cook lunch for the pastors as well as give out books.
We are planning 2 more regional meetings before Nov. 1st in Western and Southern Kenya.
Our upcoming court dates are Sept. 17, 18 and 19th from 1:00PM-5:00PM each day.
We are working on the presentation for the banquet. We are doing it not knowing where things will be at that time, but it will be a time of joy. We will either have been paid or we will not. However, the vision has not changed and the call, anointing and purpose of MB has not changed. Therefore, we will update, give details of the miracles and what all God has done! We will rejoice of what is about to be done. We plan to raise a hallelujah, sing a little louder and shout a little longer regardless of where things at the moment.
Ronnie and Debbie
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